Support programmes and tools

Support programmes

In order to be able to support immigrants in taking up employment subject to social security contributions individually and in line with their needs, the Federal Government and the Länder fund various support programmes. These are implemented by providers of vocational training and guidance and by migrant organisations.

Below, we present some important support programmes and projects in Saxony-Anhalt. In addition, there may be further regional offers.

WelcomeCenter Saxony-Anhalt

The WelcomeCenter Saxony-Anhalt is the central point of contact and advice for incoming and returning qualified specialists and for companies in Saxony-Anhalt. It provides information and advice on all aspects of living and working in Saxony-Anhalt. In addition, the WelcomeCenter supports companies and people who are involved in the professional integration of immigrant professionals on a full-time or voluntary basis with training, exchange and networking formats.

You can find ways of contacting us here.

The WelcomeCenter Saxony-Anhalt is part of the state initiative "Fachkraft im Fokus" (Qualified Specialists in Focus).

State initiative Fachkraft im Fokus

The state initiative Fachkraft im Fokus is the first point of contact for the securing of qualified specialists in Saxony-Anhalt. The team informs and advises qualified specialists and companies in Saxony-Anhalt on further training and funding opportunities, employer attractiveness, personnel development and much more. A special service for companies and skilled workers here is the Job and Professional Employee Exchange.

The state initiative Fachkraft im Fokus is implemented on behalf of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Equality of Saxony-Anhalt and is funded by the European Social Fund and the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

IQ Netzwerk Sachsen-Anhalt – Integration durch Qualifizierung (Integration through Qualification)

The offers in the "Integration durch Qualifizierung (IQ)" support programme help to ensure that immigrants with qualifications acquired abroad have better chances of finding employment in Germany in line with their educational background. In the counselling centres of the IQ Recognition and Qualification Counselling Service and the counselling centres of "Fair Integration", those seeking advice can receive advice on having their professional qualifications recognised and of starting a career in Saxony-Anhalt that is in line with their qualifications, as well as on questions of labour law. Further offers in the IQ support programme mentor people with foreign vocational qualifications in the implementation of qualification measures and in their subsequent entry into the labour market. In addition, experts from the IQ support programme advise and support companies and labour market players – including employment agencies, job centres and municipalities – on various aspects of skilled labour immigration and labour market integration.

The IQ support programme is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the European Social Fund (ESF). Partners in its implementation are the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Employment Agency (BA).

Target groups:

  • Immigrants with vocational and academic qualifications obtained abroad
  • Companies
  • Labour market players

IQ Netzwerk Sachsen-Anhalt:

Saxony-Anhalt Immigration Information Centre:

Support tools

In addition to the support programmes of vocational training providers and migrant organisations, immigrants are also entitled to support services for entering employment from the employment agencies and job centres. The support is subject to the legal regulations of the Second and Third Social Code (SGB II and III) The goal of the support tools is for people to take up employment subject to social insurance contributions or self-employment. Access to individual employment support measures depends on the person’s residence status.

Please note:

Entitlement to benefits here usually depends on the person’s residence status and the date of entry into the country.

Detailed information is available in the guide ALG (Employment Benefit ) II and social assistance for foreigners by the Refugee Council Berlin as well as the working guide on the topic of flight and migration.Social rights for refugees (From page 17).

Please note:

Support services and the assumption of costs are generally subject to a case-by-case assessment by the institution providing the support. Therefore, in order to clarify questions about advice/counselling and work placement, you must contact the advice specialists in the employment agencies and job centres as well as the contact persons in the counselling and support projects.

Support tools in accordance with the Second Book of the Social Code (SGB II) for immigrants

Support tools in accordance with SGB II

are generally available to the following target groups:

  • migrants from other EU countries and third countries who are capable of working and entitled to benefits,
  • recognised refugees,
  • Individuals entitled to asylum with a residence permit,
  • Individuals entitled to asylum with subsidiary protection.

The same rights and obligations to cooperate apply to them as to all domestic employees.

However, asylum seekers with good prospects of staying and tolerated persons without a ban on employment under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) are excluded. The support tools under the Third Book of the Social Code (SGB III) apply to them.

Introductory allowance (ESG) according to Section 16 b SGB II

The ESG serves to promote the taking up of employment that is subject to social insurance contributions or the setting up of a business for recipients of inemployment benefit II (Arbeitslosengeld II). This is a temporary, non-creditable grant to facilitate integration into the labour market.

Additional information:

Background information on the ESG can be found in the discretionary directives of the job centre of the state capital Magdeburg.

Employment Opportunities (AGH) according to Section 16 d SGB II

Employment opportunities according Section 16 d SGB II serve as a medium-term support tool to promote the labour market integration of employable benefit claimants who are difficult to place, and to accustom them to everyday working life. These are additional, competitively neutral tasks that are in the public interest. AGH is limited to a maximum of 24 months within five years and is conducted by suitable providers.

Recognised refugees can receive additional services in the form of interpreting services and socio-educational support.

Support instruments under the Third Book of the Social Code (SGB III) for immigrants

Support instruments in accordance with SGB IIIare generally available to the following target groups:

  • Individuals with a residence permit, asylum seekers and tolerated persons without a ban on employment (benefits for subsistence according to the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)), 
  • Migrants from other EU countries and third countries who are able to work and are entitled to benefits, recognised refugees, individuals entitled to asylum with subsidiary protection and individuals entitled to asylum with a residence permit who are in receipt of SGB II benefits.
  • asylum seekers, asylum seekers with good prospects of staying and tolerated persons without a ban on employment,

A cut-off date regulation applies: Access to benefits according to SGB III applies to all foreigners who have already resided in Germany for at least three months before 1 August 2019 on a permitted, authorised or tolerated basis. Otherwise, a 15-month waiting period applies to all immigrants after 1 August 2019, whereby in the case of a toleration permit, deportation must have been suspended for at least nine months. Detailed explanations with an examination scheme for access to integration courses and courses for the promotion of German as a foreign language in the workplace can be found on the website of "Berlin hilft".

Placement budget according to Section 44 SGB III

By means of the the placement budget according to Section 44 SGB III, the Employment Agency can cover various costs that jobseekers face when entering and being placed in the labour market, such as application costs, travel costs to job interviews, relocation costs when taking up a job or training or costs for work clothes.
Due to the fact that the placement budget is a discretionary benefit, the assumption of costs must always be clarified with the advisor in charge.

Additional information:
The Jobcenter Börde provides an overview on the placement budget.

Measures for activation and vocational integration with an institution (MAT) according to Section 45 SGB III

MATs are intended to introduce job and training seekers to the labour market through suitable activities , e.g. with private or public training providers. With an MAT, barriers to placement can be identified, reduced or eliminated. Under MAT, participants can receive support for travel costs, childcare, course and examination fees. The duration of the support depends on the individual case. The Employment Agency can commission providers directly to carry out the measures or hand out an activation and placement voucher to the person entitled to support.

Additional information:
The Jerichower Land Jobcenter and the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs provide further information on this subject.

Measures for the activation and vocational integration with an employer (MAG) according to Section 45 SGB III

MAGs are intended to introduce job and training seekers to the labour market or self-employment through a work trial in a company. With an MAG, barriers to placement can be identified, reduced or eliminated. The duration of the support depends on the individual case, but is limited to 6 weeks at 15 hours per week (for people in the SGB II sector up to 40 hours per week).

Additional information:
The Jerichower Land Jobcenter and the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs provide further information on this subject.

Federal Programme for Refugee Integration Measures (FIM)

FIM aims to place people who seek protection in low-threshold job opportunities and to introduce them to the German labour market more quickly – before the asylum procedure is completed. FIM are broken down into internal and external measures: Internal FIM are carried out by the providers or operators of the state reception facilities or communal shared accommodation facilities. External FIMs can be implemented at non-profit, municipal or state institutions. FIMs last up to six months and comprise up to 30 hours of tuition per week.

Target group:

This measure does not apply to asylum seekers from safe countries of origin, tolerated persons and persons who are obliged to leave the country. Asylum seekers whose application is very likely to be decided on in the near future (mostly follow-up applications) should also not be assigned to the measure.

Additional information:
You will find interesting information on FIM on the pages of theFederal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs as well as the Guideline on FIM.

Kompetenzfeststellung, frühzeitige Aktivierung und Spracherwerb (Competency assessment, early boosting and language learning) (KompAS) according to Section 45 SGB III.

KompAS combines the integration courses of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees with a labour market policy instrument: In addition to language learning and the acquisition of intercultural competences through the integration courses, participants receive career guidance, such as job application training and in-company trial work periods. The goal is to overcome barriers to placement and introduce participants to the labour market at an early stage. The duration of the measure is between six and eight months.

Target group: Asylum seekers who are entitled to participate in an integration course.

Additional information:
The circular for institutions of the BAMF explains the background information on KompAS.

Combination of job-related language support with employment promotion (KomBer) according to Section 45 SGB III

KomBer enables immigrants who usually have German language skills up to level B1 to combine language learning with industrial-technical vocational interests. Within the framework of job-related language support and a boosting labour market integration measure, immigrants can thus learn technical terms and try them out directly in a professional environment. The measure begins with a skills assessment and a subsequent trial phase lasting six weeks. Applications for trial positions are supported on an individual basis.

Target group: People who have already completed an integration course.

Additional information:
The "Fachstelle Übergänge in Ausbildung und Beruf" (Transitions to Training and Employment Office) explains the background to KomBER.

Various support programmes and state support tools are available for immigrants to help them find employment. In the following, we offer you an overview of support programmes in Saxony-Anhalt as well as support tools according to SGB II and III which are intended to facilitate the entry into employment subject to social insurance contributions or self-employment for immigrants.

The Skilled Immigration Act has been in force since 1 March 2020. You can find an overview of what will change as a result of the law on the Federal Government's portal for qualified specialists from abroad "Make it in Germany".

Please note:

Support services and the assumption of costs are generally subject to a case-by-case assessment by the institution providing the support. For example, the entitlement to a support offer varies depending on the residence status.

Therefore, we can only offer you an initial guide with our information on the following pages. If you have any questions about advice/counselling and placement, please contact the counselling experts at the employment agencies and job centres or the contact persons in the counselling and support projects.