Self-reflection and Supervision

The fate of immigrants can be very moving. For instance, refugees have often suffered painful experiences from their escape. Their arrival in Germany can also be difficult for them. Many report on how they feel alienated or experience isolation and discrimination. As a result, volunteer consultants can be confronted with trauma, experiences of exclusion and discrimination. In order to find a way to deal with this, it can be helpful to reflect on one's own possibilities and limits of action in voluntary work and to process what has been told, e.g. in the form of supervision. The work aid "Organisation, Reflection and Quality Assurance of Counselling Processes" of the Parity General Federation gives an insight into ways of dealing with difficult counselling situations, supervision and collegial counselling as well as other organisational aspects of counselling work. 

In our Information library you will find even more interesting information on the topic of self-reflection and supervision in counselling and supporting immigrants and refugees as well as on many other topics.