Welcoming management and Family friendliness

The search on the part of qualified specialists for companies and jobs that offer good opportunities to reconcile  family life and work or a good work-life balance is increasing.  Thus a good and open corporate culture and family-friendliness promote the incentive to bring new employees on board and to retain existing ones. We support you in finding welcoming structures and measures that suit your company and communicating them to the outside world. 

Offers of the WelcomeCenter

  • Information, sensitisation, analysis and initiation of further activities to implement the topic of family-friendliness (reconciliation of work and family life, work (time) organisation, funding opportunities) 

  • Raising awareness and supporting the establishment of welcome structures for people interested in moving here, as well as newly arrived professionals and their families  

Please feel free to contact our Welcoming Structures and Welcoming Management, Family Friendliness department on these topics. 

Our 10 recommendations for successful welcome management provide valuable guidance for preparing for the personal meeting.

Kerstin Mogdans
Kerstin Mogdans
Coordinator of the WelcomeCenter Saxony-Anhalt | Specialist Office for Welcoming Structures and Family Friendliness (state-wide)

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